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Government Enterprise Agreements
Government Enterprise Agreements

The Government Enterprise Agreements are framework agreements concluded between the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and global technology companies to meet the technological needs at the level of government entities. They include terms ensuring the latest technological products and updated licenses, in addition to establishing an added value for government entities.

Such agreements help government entities estimate the cost of the software and licensing they need by including a price list that remains fixed throughout the term of agreement, as it helps get accurate cost estimates.

MCIT has established four Enterprise Agreements:

  • Microsoft Enterprise Agreement
  • Oracle Enterprise Agreement
  • IBM Enterprise Agreement
  • Adobe Enterprise Agreement

MCIT is also working to enter into new agreements with other key IT companies for public interest.

The Government Enterprise Agreements have the following features:
  • Discounted prices
  • Regular updates
  •  Cost control
The benefits of this service are many, including:
  • Upgraded licenses
  • Training courses and workshops
  • Consulting services
  • Technical support 24/7